Your Treatment
In-person sessions
I believe that the effects of traumatic experiences, both mental and physical, persist in the body long after the experience itself is over. I tend to work with most people for 8–10 sessions to see which therapies are most effective for you.
You might be glad to know that during these sessions, I don’t need to know anything about your “story” or to talk about what’s happened in your past. All I need to know is what conditions you want to address so you can get closer to living your best life. Your body’s responses to therapy will tell us the rest.
Many of the tools I use center around the “fight, flight or freeze” response to stress and trauma. Using this lens, I can see whether you are “looped” in one of these states—and then apply strategic tools to help you take steps to move into what’s called the “rest and digest” healing state. They include:
Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Breath work
Emotional Freedom Technique™ “tapping”
Trauma-Releasing Exercises® (TRE)
Forest Medicine (healing experiences in nature)
Somatic Experiencing® (SE™)
Your Daily Dose Wellness plan
After seeing how your body responds during our sessions, we’ll incorporate one or more of these techniques into developing your Daily Dose Wellness plan. Your plan will be simple, short practices you use every day to keep your body and mind feeling released and healthy.
Research-based approach
Feeling wary? That’s OK! Skepticism is encouraged. I needed convincing until I felt the powerful effects of these approaches myself. Please don’t take my word for any of this. My approach—and interest—is based in scientific study as well as my own firsthand experiences. If you are unfamiliar with somatic approaches such as these and are just starting to explore their benefits, don't worry—the information and evidence is available.
Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of these tools with respect to numerous trauma- and stress-related challenges, not to mention general health and well-being. If you’re doing your own research, I recommend these studies and websites to start: